
那一天我们一同敬拜赞美神(2) 台南圣教会约翰牧区献诗:Jubilate Deo (2014.05.18) (mp3版)

加入 2014-08-14 14:19:16 | 长度: 2分16秒 | 类别: 歌曲
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Jubilate Deo高聲歡頌天主

歌詞 lyrics

Jubilate Deo omnis terra (x2)

O joyfuly sing to God (x2)

Jubilate Jubilate Jubilate Deo

Jubilate Deo omnis terra (x2)

Serve the Lord with gladness

and enter His presence with Jubilation

「Know that the Lord is God

He has made us ; not we ourselves 」 (x2)

We are His people and the sheep of His pasture

Jubilate Deo omnis terra (x2)

Serve the Lord with gladness

and enter His presence with Jubilation

Jubilate Jubilate Jubilate Deo

关键字:  诗歌     Jubilate   Deo     台南圣教会     约翰牧区